Existe um lindo Projeto em execução e um vídeo sendo produzido com chances de participação..
Enviem um curto vídeo ligado ao tema para www.willUstand.com/video.html
by Charleigh Gere
Digital Track
Immediate download of STAND in your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire.
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Stand, the anti-Bullying anthem by Charleigh Gere empowers youth to stand for one another against bullying. To reach youth in a meaningful way, we are creating a crowdsourced music video for STAND. Anyone can participate. Clips are due on or before December 23, 2012. They should symbolize the messages within the song: Stand / One voice unafraid
Video theme ideas and submission details can be found at www.willUstand.com/video.html
Verse 1:
Every morning's the same old thing
as she walks through the halls being called the same names.
No one knows all the tears she's cried
or how many times she's considered suicide.
But all it takes is one voice unafraid to say...
I will stand beside you
Will you stand with me, dig your feet into
The earth, cuz she's worth
Somebody to catch her
Let's join together and
Verse 2:
All alone he's just sitting there
As he watches the clock thinking, "Nobody cares"
But on the inside he's crying out
Painfully dreading the fight he won't talk about
But all it takes is one voice unafraid to say...
Chorus 2:
I will stand beside you
Will you stand with me, dig your feet into
The earth, cuz he's worth
Somebody to catch him
Let's join together and
Will you stand
Verse 3:
All in all I've seen better days
I've been hurt, I've been broken in every way
But I now stand in confidence
All because someone stood up in my defense
Cuz all it takes is one voice unafraid to say...
Chorus 3:
I will stand beside you
Will you stand with me, dig your feet into
The earth, cuz they're worth
Somebody to catch them
Let's join together and
Will you stand with me, dig your feet into
The earth, cuz you're worth
Somebody to catch you
Let's join together and
Will you Stand...
released 10 September 2012
Song written and composed by Lahni Schultz www.lahnischultz.com
Fonte: http://charleigh.bandcamp.com/track/stand
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